Black, White and Tangents / Topics
Welcome to Black, White and Tangents
We are so excited about our new home here at Chickadee Larder!
Our aim is to hit on both topics that appear to be black and white in nature - fact vs fiction, editorials - alongside the occasional tangent. The best blogs are living, breathing creatures that evolve over time either via the author(s) or the readership, so we're not entirely sure just exactly what the topics covered will be, however, here's a list of things that interest us at the moment!
- environment (including reusing, renewable energy, and generally caring about our world and all in it)
- matters of human and animal mental and physical health
- allergy related topics
- entrepreneurialism, small business and a return to focusing on local
- the changing face of employment, unemployment and education
- mindfulness (in the face of stress, busyness, and constant distraction)
What topics do you feel are worth your time? What are you passionate about? Let's keep it real, conversational and open each others' minds!